October 22, 2020
LKMS Important Dates and News
Mark your Calendars! November 3 Election Day – Schools and Offices Closed November 6 3 Hour Early Dismissal - Professional Work Day November 16-20 American Education Week November 23-24 3 Hour Early Dismissal - Parent/Teacher Conferences November 26 Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences November 26-27 Thanksgiving HolidayView our full calendar for LKMS News
Student Shout Outs
Congratulations to the following students who have demonstrated their ability to "ROAR" during the weeks of October 5, through October 19, by being responsible, respectful, and academically focused: Whitney Reid, Abigail Mullikin, Jonathan Barrett, Gabriella Crimmins, Isabella Canapp, Daniel Leak, Lillian Vitek, Brennan Wheeler, Fernando Barker, Jenna Loehr, Kiya Tibebe, Cheren Song, Jaylen Johnson, Jizelle Williams, Kirsten Parypinski, Leilani Ryang, Adey Alexander, Ilan Khazan, Alex Michos, Sirak Nephtalem, Roxy Roach, Dalia Khazan, Daniel Dzubak, Megan Charles, Braden Sullivan, Jack Waltman, HB Meadows, Heaven Alexander, and Ethan Behner.
We are proud of you all!
LKMS Attendance Reporting Procedures
Attendance reporting procedures for the 2020/21 school year can be located on the LKMS' website. If you need further assistance, you may email our School Counseling Secretary, Rhonda Hill, rhonda_hill@hcpss.org.
PTA News
For more information about our LKMS PTA and upcoming meetings, read their latest NEWS!
HCPSS News and Information
Howard County Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest
All Howard County Middle and High school students are invited to participate in the Martin Luther King, Jr., essay contest. Prizes will be awarded for First, Second and Third Place. Deadline for essay submissions is Friday, October 30, 5:00pm. More information is available in the attached contest flyer.
Intent to Participate in Hybrid (In-Person) Instruction
This fall, there will be significant public discussion and consideration around the second semester. At this time, HCPSS is seeking to understand families’ intentions regarding sending their students back to school, if that option becomes available, or continuing fully virtual learning. A short survey has been provided to all HCPSS families to gather data on whether families intend to send their student(s) back to school or continue fully virtual learning through the end of the current school year. The survey is open now through October 23, 4pm.
Howard County Association of Student Councils (HCASC) - Leadership Opportunity for all 6th-11th Grade Students:
Students who are interested in serving as a delegate to the Student Member Convention are invited to apply. This is wonderful opportunity for students to lead and serve both their peers and community. For more information in order to be considered for the position of delegate to the Student Member Convention, students must submit an application along with two evaluation forms to the Principal by Friday, November 30, 2020.
Students are invited to attend the virtual monthly HCASC meetings that are held the second Wednesday evening of each month from 7:00-8:30pm. Use the Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/qnfbxkk-yhp *login with your HCPSS account. For more information on the Howard County Association of Student Councils, visit their website, or contact Cindy Drummond, Cindy_Drummond@hcpss.org.
Middle School In-Person Learning Opportunity
The Howard County Local Children’s Board (LCB) has received CARES Act funding to operate an in-person middle school program at four sites, with a tentative 5th site in Oakland Mills. This program is specifically targeting families who do not have the financial means to find alternative support and care for their middle school student(s) while they are learning virtually. Read the attached flier (English or Spanish) for more information on this program.
Heritage Speakers of Spanish
The Office of World Languages will be testing our Heritage Speakers of Spanish to establish high school placement on Tuesday, November 17. Attached, is a flyer with more information about the assessment.
Updates for Free Student Meals
For more information and updates on the food service program for the 2020-2021 school year, please read the latest information.
Community News and Programs
The Community News and Programs webpage contains brief announcements of upcoming events and announcements from community and non-profit organizations. Please visit Community News and Programs on the HCPSS website for all announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
Connect with Us:

11650 Scaggsville Road
Fulton, MD 20759



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