LKMS' Attendance Reporting Procedures
Absence Reporting School Email:
Automatic Notification:
When students are marked absent, the system sends an automatic email notification to parents. This notification will be sent for each day your child is marked absent and will be sent even if a note from home is received.
Absence Information:
Since state regulations require that public schools keep written records of notes from parents pertaining to student attendance, a note sent via email from the parent/guardian must be submitted to the school within five (5) school days of the student’s return, indicating the date and reason for the absence. A doctor’s certificate is required in cases of long-term absence due to illness. Students are permitted to be lawfully absent for a death in the family, illness, a court summons, religious obligation, or for other emergencies. Please refer to Policy 9010 to review policies and procedures for excused and unexcused absences. HCPSS Policy 9010.
Communication from students to teachers will not be considered as absence notes. All notes must be sent by a parent/guardian when students are absent.
Classroom Attendance:
If you have questions related to period attendance, please contact your child's teacher. Click here for the LKMS Staff List.
Parent Access:
To view attendance information for your child, login to your parent account at HCPSS Connect and click on Attendance in the left panel.; Kassandra Wanless, School Nurse,; Teaching Staff, LKMS Staff List.