Leopard Tale December 2023

Fri, 12/01/2023 - 4:28pm



12/25-1/1: No School Winter Break 

1/2 School Resumes

1/15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Schools and offices closed

1/17 Schools close 3 hours early

1/18 - Rising 6th grade Parent Orientation

1/19 End of Second Marking Period


2024-2025 High School Course Registration Opens December 18

From December 18, 2023 through January 16, 2024, current 8-11th grade students may view their teachers’ course recommendations and submit course placement requests for the 2024-2025 school year. The Counselors will be in all 8th grade Science classes on 12/18/23 and 12/20/23 to work with students on this process and we are requesting that families wait to complete their registration until the students have been given all of the information. Detailed instructions explaining how to register will be sent home to parents/guardians on 12/20/23. Please reach out to your child’s Counselor if you have any questions.


Beth Lucas (A-L) blucas@hcpss.org

Anna Miles(M-Z) amiles@hcpss.org


Art News


"Attention 8th grade students and family: Those aspiring to enroll in Art 1, Art 2/GT, or Photo 1 during their freshman year in high school are required to submit a digital portfolio for county review by December 20th, 2023. Please consult the Canvas Student Resource titled 'All about HS Visual Art Program' for detailed information on requirements, examples, criteria, and the submission link. *If you are currently enrolled in Studio A or B class, Mrs. Bae and Ms. Avery will guide you during the class."


Lime Kiln  Rising 6th grade Family Orientation

Save the date if you have a current 5th grader or let your neighbors know. We have our rising 6th grade student Parent Orientation on January 18 from 6:00-7:00 PM (January 25 snow date). Families can learn about middle school, the academic schedule, and the Gifted and Talented program. We cannot wait to meet our future Leopard families!





Reservoir New Student & Family Information Night - January 11, 2024


Theater Production


Spongebob the Musical Auditions: Limelight Productions will have their auditions on January 3rd and January 4th from 3:30-5:30! Students should sign up for a time slot located outside room 38 and write their audition date and time on their audition packet (Students can pick up extras outside Mrs. Castelbaum’s room). 

Students only need to choose one date and time slot. During this audition, students will be asked to sing 16 bars (30 seconds to 1 minute) of a prepared song either with accompaniment (sheet music) or a karaoke track (no vocals). Students are strongly encouraged to choose a song that showcases their voice.  It is highly recommended that students choose a song from a musical, but it is not required.    


Once students have finished their songs, they are free to leave. Students can also leave school and come back before their audition time. Please note that your audition time may fluctuate depending on the efficiency and the number of students participating. Please plan on arriving early for your audition and plan on staying at least 15 minutes after in order to accommodate potential changes, delays, etc.



Join River Hill high school Choir



Registration for BSAP Saturday Math Academy: 

The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program Saturday Math Academy Fall Session is approaching! 

This year, the BSAP Saturday Math Academy will offer an in-person enrichment program for Howard County Public School System students in all levels of math for grades 3-12 based on course availability. Registration will take place online Saturday, January 6, 2024 from 9:00 a.m.- until capacity is reached. Class space is limited. Families can register by accessing the HCPSS Connect Website 

For more information, please visit:  https://news.hcpss.org/news-posts/2023/12/black-student-achievement-program-bsap-saturday-math-academy-spring-2024-program/ 


BSAP SMA Spring 2024 Flyer (English)

BSAP SMA Spring 2024 Flyer (Spanish)

BSAP SMA Spring 2024 Flyer (Chinese)

BSAP SMA Spring 2024 Flyer (Korean)




Apply for JROTC by Jan. 5, 2024

HCPSS’ Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) program provides an introduction to career opportunities in the United States Armed Forces and teaches principles of leadership, discipline and civic responsibility. To apply for participation for the 2024-2025 school year, students must contact a JROTC official between Nov. 13, 2023, and Jan. 5, 2024, to schedule an interview. Only students who are interviewed during this designated period will be considered for enrollment.

To learn more about the program, visit the HCPSS JROTC website- https://www.hcpss.org/academy/jrotc/