March 3, 2023
Upcoming Dates
March 6 -Orchestra Assessment & Adjudication @ Reservoir HS (Chamber Orchestra - 4:25PM)
March 8- Orchestra Assessment & Adjudication @ Reservoir HS (String Ensemble 3:05PM)
March 13- MISA Testing (8th graders in Science Classes)
March 14- MISA Testing (8th graders in Science Classes)
March 15 - Professional Work and Wellness day- School close 3 hrs early dismissal
March 15- PTA Sponsored dance 7th Grade Spring Fling
March 15- PTA Virtual meeting
March 16- MISA Testing (8th graders in Science Classes)
March 17- MISA Testing (8th graders in Science Classes)
March 29 - Chorus Assessment & Adjudication @ River Hill HS (Concert Choir - 2:35PM)
March 31- End of 3rd marking period- 3hr Early dismissal
8th Grade MISA Testing
All 8th grade students will be taking the MISA (The Maryland Integrated Science Assessment) on March 13th, 14th, 16th and 17th. Students will be testing in their science class. It is important that every effort is made for students to be present and on time on those days. Also make sure they arrive with their fully charged Chromebook on those days. Please reach out to Mrs. Horoszczak with any questions.
I Love Lime Kiln Day
On April 20, 2023, we will have our very first I Love Lime Kiln Day! This event will take place at LKMS and will start during the school day and last into the early evening. I Love Lime Kiln day will be a day centered on our shared love for our school community and a celebration of our diverse cultures, commonality and what each one of us brings that makes our community so amazing. Students, staff, families, and community members will come together for a day of learning, celebrating, and reflecting on what it means to be a Lime Kiln Leopard.
Please make sure to SAVE THE DATE - April 20
Dear Parents and Lime Kiln Community,
We hope that you heard the wonderful news that Lime Kiln is the state winner for the Samsung Solve For Tomorrow Contest. Stefanie Taylor, the media specialist, and I wrote a proposal about an existing problem that has plagued our school and community. The problem is erosion and run off between the school’s blacktop and the neighboring farm. After consulting with many experts such as the Robinson Nature Center, Howard County Groundwater Management, HCPSS Grounds, and the Howard County Forestry Department, the best course of action is a conservation landscape. This entails planting trees, shrubs, and native pollinator plants. Not only will this help combat the erosion and run off but the drainage leads to a local steam in our community, which in turn leads to the Chesapeake watershed.
Lime Kiln’s 6th grade science classes have studied our erosion problem and built 3-D models of our school. The environmental seminar (STEAM) already maintains our school’s butterfly gardens. The 7th grade science classes help care for our rain garden. They are very excited to participate in another school property project.
While we are certainly grateful for our first place state finish, Samsung does not fund the project. The funding is our school’s responsibility. Mrs. Taylor and I have applied for a forestry grant and we have some wonderful partnerships. However, we still need donations to buy the plants and materials.
We are asking for the community’s help. Our goal is to raise $500. We have set up a donation page with a link to the project. If you are so inclined to contribute in any way, we would be very grateful.
Below you will find the link to our donation page.
Tracy Spillman
GT Resource Teacher
Howard County National History Day Competition
Congratulations and good luck to the following students who will be representing Lime Kiln Middle School in the Howard County National History Day Competition on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at Long Reach High School.
Individual Exhibit:
Women Codebreakers in WWll
Akshaya Srinivasan
Group Exhibit:
The Human Genome Project: Mapping the Blueprint of Human Life
Julian Amani-Dove, Shalin Bahl, and Dhilan Patel
Group Documentaries:
The Hubble Space Telescope, Our Reflection into the Universe
Suriya Kalirai, Kirie Kowalski, and Christina Zhang
Vostok 1: Where the Sky Was not the Limit
Mira Kalirai, Allison Li, and Zachary Pan
Junior Papers:
A Grasp on Filth: Diseases and the Radical Sanitary Reform of the 1800's
West Perry
How a Malpractice Became a Frontier for an Ethical Future in Medical Research
Devi Palaniappan
Group Website:
The Golden Age of Aerospace
Zoe Brock and Rihana Yami
All of the 8th grade GT social studies students have worked very hard on NHD this year. Our students who are advancing have continued their diligent work preparing for the county competition.
The PTA is hosting a Spring Fling Party for the 7th graders only on our next early dismissal day, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15.
Permission Slips will be sent home soon for parents to sign on 03/06/23. Permission Slips will be due by 03/10/23.
To make this event a success we need YOU!
If you would like to make a donation or volunteer please view the signup genius below: (case sensitive)
GEN March 7 from 6 am-10 pm at Chick-Fil-A ALL DAY from 6 am - 10 pm at Chick-Fil-A.
Please tell the team member serving you about the event to receive credit. Lime Kiln PTA will receive 20% of the sales
Thank you for your continued support.
2023 Summer Programs Registration
Synergy online enrollment requests for currently enrolled HCPSS students opened on Wednesday, March 1 for the BSAP Summer Institute, Gifted and Talented Summer Institutes for Talent Development, Innovative Pathways High School (all courses except credit recovery and Gear Up for 9th Grade), and Summer Math Scholars programs.
HCPSS staff will provide in-person assistance for current HCPSS families who need help submitting their Synergy online enrollment requests for the registration-based summer programs. Support will be provided on Thursday, March 9 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the following elementary schools: Bollman Bridge ES, Swansfield ES, Talbott Springs ES, Waterloo ES, and Waverly ES.
Families can find up-to-date course information and enrollment directions on the Summer Programs web page ( Contact the individual program offices with additional questions.
BSAP Summer Institute (
G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development (
Innovative Pathways High School (
Summer Math Scholars Program (
The 2022-23 LKMS Yearbook is now available to be purchased online. Packages start at $25. Last day for online ordering is Friday, April 28.
ID: 14607623
All yearbooks will be delivered to the school sometime in early June.
We’re looking for a Permanent Substitute to join our team!
Lime Kiln Middle School is looking for an outstanding permanent substitute. If you or someone you know loves working with young people and has experience in a school setting, we invite you to apply as a permanent substitute. It is a great way to get your foot in the door, if you are interested in working in education.
Reservoir Boosters Information Night
2023 River Hill Boosters Summer Camps
The River Hill High School Boosters are sponsoring summer camps at River Hill High School. The camps are designed to help young athletes improve their fundamental athletic skills. Weekly camps begin on June 12th. Over thirty different camps are offered this summer, including football, tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, field hockey, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, weight training, wrestling, Allied sports, Youth sports, pickleball, and dance. We also offer an Art camp and two different Video Production camps. Camp schedule and registration can be found at
Support Lime Kiln Middle School
Support Lime Kiln at Harris Teeter
Harris Teeter is the last grocery to donate money to schools based on supporter’s purchases. If you have a Harris Teeter VIC card, please take the time to link your card to LKMS. Cards must be relinked each year. It only takes a minute at the link below and you don’t even need to remember your password. If you shop at Harris Teeter but don’t have a VIC card, please follow the link to register for a card. We received $669.61 last school year and would love that number to increase.
Weis Fundraising Opportunity
Educational technology and funding changes daily. To keep up with these changes and expenses, our school is partnering with Weis Markets in their annual Weis 4 School program. By participating in this program, we can earn money for our school by simply shopping. When you shop at Weis, scan the barcode to register your Weis Rewards card or register online at Once you register, you are in the program and do not need to register again this school year. Please share this barcode with your friends and family. The more interest and enthusiasm we generate, the greater the benefits to our school.
Cold and flu season is upon us, and we are seeing a significant increase in the number of student visits to the health room.
Please assess your child prior to sending them to school when they are not feeling well.
Use the following daily health assessment guidelines:
Students should NOT come to school if exhibiting any one of these symptoms:
Fever of 100.0 degrees or higher
Generalized muscle aches with fatigue
Sore Throat
Difficulty Breathing
Diarrhea or Vomiting
Onset of a severe headache
Loss of taste or smell
Please use a thermometer to get an actual temperature reading before administering fever reducing medication. Children must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
If you administer fever reducing medication at home for a fever, you should not be sending your child to school.
If your child has tested negative for COVID, but is still exhibiting symptoms, your child SHOULD NOT be sent to school until they are feeling better, or the improvement of symptoms is clear without the aid of symptom reducing medications.
Lastly, please make sure you have updated your parent contact phone numbers and your emergency contacts.
HCPSS’ Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.”
Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at