Rising 9th Grade High School Course Registration

Rising 9th Grade High School Course Registration

Your students have completed the instructional part of the high school registration process.  They have all of the information that is needed to choose their courses for next year.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's Counselor (Mrs. Lucas A-L, Beth_Lucas@hcpss.org and Mrs. Miles M-Z, Anna_Miles@hcpss.org) before you contact the High School. We are happy to answer any questions that you have regarding course registration. Students may now begin entering their high school course requests in Synergy starting on December 20, through January 18, 2022.  Parents can view these requests in their HCPSS Connect account.  Here is the link that was sent to all students through their Canvas inbox:  https://hcpss.instructure.com/courses/123069/pages/middle-school-student-services-community-star-rising-9th-grade-course-planning?module_item_id=8634706  

Below is the information regarding the High School Parent “Virtual” Presentation Nights on January 6 and January 18:

January 6:  River Hill High will host their virtual Course Registration Parent Night for current 8th -11th grade parents on January 6, at 6:30pm. This event will be virtual and parents will need to login using their child's school Google account to access the meeting links. There will be grade-specific presentations and an opportunity to learn more about our academic programs and supports. Please use the information in the attached flier to help navigate the evening's events.

January 18:  Reservoir High will hold their "virtual" Parent Night presentation on Thursday, January 18, at 6:00pm.   Please see the attached flier for more information on this virtual presentation.
