The Leopard's Tale - November 19

A Message from Administration

Dear LKMS Families and Community,

In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to express our appreciation to you for all of the support and understanding you have shown to our school community during this transition back to full-time school. While the road to “normalcy” in and out of school has been rocky at times, our students and staff are persevering through and we are slowly but surely getting back to “Leopard Pride.”

We ask for your help with a few reminders to help us in these transitional times.

Students are asked not to wear pajama pants and/or slippers to school. While these may have been the preferred attire during online virtual learning, it is not appropriate for in-school attire.  

In addition, we are concerned that students are using their backpacks during the school day for more than the intended use of laptop protection.  In fact, we have observed students walking through the halls with overstuffed, heavy backpacks while carrying their laptops.  Please remind students that if the laptop falls and breaks under these conditions, the student/family will be responsible for replacement.  Encourage students to use their lockers to store lunch bags, books/notebooks for am/pm classes, coats, etc.  (There are no restrictions on when students can access their lockers).  Thank you for your assistance in protecting the laptops and your children’s backs!

We look forward to “seeing” you next week during our virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy the time off with family and friends.

Ms. Lublin and Mrs. Ketterman


LKMS Important Dates and News

  • November 22-23       3 Hour Early Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • November 24            Schools Closed for Students – Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • November 25-26       Schools Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday
  • December 9              PTA’s “Gotta Eat Night” – Ledos in Clarksville
  • December 17            Student Picture Makeup Day
  • December 21-22       Snow Leopard Bonanza
  • December 23-Jan 2  Schools Closed - Winter Break

View our full calendar for LKMS News


Information and News


Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher virtual conferences will be held November 22, 23, and 24.   Conference log-in logistics can be located under Parent/Teacher Conferences.


Carson Scholarship - 8th Grade Students

Lime Kiln Middle School will be nominating one 8th grade student to compete for the $1000 Carson Scholarship.  The nomination is based on scholarship, citizenship, and especially community service. The deadline for application submission is Monday, December 6.  More information about the Carson Scholarship is available on our website.


Coming in December

Lime Kiln Middle School Families,

LKMS will host its third Snow Leopard Bonanza (December 23) and we need your help!  The Snow Leopard Bonanza is a part of our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) reward system.  Students will use their Snow Leopard raffle tickets they will earn in classes to win prizes. Students will earn raffle tickets by showing Respectful, Organized, Achieving and Responsible behavior.  Parents/Guardians and Community, please consider donating items to support our raffle and keep us in mind when you are cleaning out before the gift giving season or while you may be out shopping.  Donations may include: posters, movie tickets, sports equipment, stuffed animals, books, cool crafts, nail polish, earbuds, and cell phone cases, popular teen items, clothes, etc.  The items should be new or very gently used.  Donations should be clearly labeled Snow Leopard Bonanza and turned in to the LKMS Front Office by Wednesday, December 10, so items can be cataloged and advertised to students.   The Snow Leopard Bonanza will be held on December 21 and 22.  Prizes will be sent home with students on December 22. 

Without your support this exciting event would not be possible.  If you have any questions, please email

Thank you for your continued support of Lime Kiln Middle School!


Private School Applications and Teacher Recommendation Requests

Please read further for more information and procedures for submitting private school applications and teacher recommendation requests.



LKMS - Long-Term Substitute Position Opening

For more information on LKMS' Long-Term substitute position currently open now through the end of the year, please visit our website.



Please be certain to read the latest news and information from HCPSS.     Important HCPSS Health and Safety information to include new Contact Tracing Procedures, and information on Covid-19 Vaccination/Testing Requirements, are featured in this newsletter.