Semester 2 Virtual Back to School Night - Tuesday, February 9

LKMS Semester 2 Virtual Back-to-School Night

Tuesday, February 9 at 6:00

We invite you to join us for our Semester 2 virtual Back to School Night. We’re excited to show off our talented staff and all that they have planned for your student. The success of our school community is reliant on each one of us and the connections we build with each other. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.

Visit THE LEOPARD'S DEN where plans for the evening are captured.

In addition to accessing THE LEOPARD'S DEN please locate the following prior to Tuesday evening’s presentation: 

  • Your child’s semester 2, quarter 3 schedule
  • To view the schedule, please visit HCPSS Connect, click the blue HCPSS Connect Login button, enter your username and password, and look under ‘Schedule’
  • The Google Meet codes for the semester 2, quarter 3 classes (identified on The Leopard's Den Google site)  
  • Your child’s HCPSS credentials- username and password
  • To access each Google Meet class, you must login with your student’s HCPSS login. Access to Google Meets with an outside email will not be permitted.