Lime Kiln will be selecting ONE eighth grader to nominate for the 2017 Ben Carson Scholarship.  Our nominee competes for the scholarship through the Carson Scholarship Foundation and winners are awarded $1000 kept in escrow for them towards college expenses.   Potential nominees must be:

Ø Academically excellent (3.75 GPA or higher in 6th and 7th grades as well as the first quarter of 8th grade)

Ø Role models in the school, via their citizenship and contribution to school life

Ø Service minded, as indicated by the good works they do in the community


Students will hear about the selection process from their English teacher and will be invited to take home a letter with application instructions.  Specifically we need to know about the student's resumé in the service area—we’re already very aware of academics and citizenship.   A panel of teachers will review the submissions and make the selection.  The announcement of our LKMS nominee will be made in  December.  Questions?  Contact Cindy Clemens or go to