2016-2017 PTA Membership

Here us ROAR…please JOIN the Lime Kiln Middle School PTA!!

Download the PTA Membership Form

The LKMS PTA invites every family at Lime Kiln Middle School to join the PTA to support the school and PTA-sponsored programs!  Great things happen when parents and teachers work together.  The LKMS PTA touches the lives of each student directly throughout the academic year.  Benefits of joining the PTA and supporting the LKMS community:

  • Representing the interests of the LKMS community to the Howard County Board of Education insures that LKMS receives necessary and appropriate resources;
  • Sponsoring family-oriented activities and programs for the entire community;
  • Supporting classrooms by providing teachers with funds to purchase needed items;  
  • Sponsoring teacher and staff appreciation throughout the year;
  • Providing a school directory, making it easier to access other LKMS families;
  • Presenting high quality, cultural arts programs enriching the LKMS learning experience;
  • Student activities such as Lime Time, dances, movie nights, drama, robotics…
  • And SO MUCH MORE!!!

We cannot do this without you!!  We are 100% volunteer, so everyone is encouraged to participate.  We understand that your time is valuable, and by joining, you send an important message of support.

Join the Lime Kiln PTA today and help us make a difference!

Membership is $20/family (2 individual memberships included).  Pay by cash/check (to LKMS PTA)

or PayPal at https://lkmspta.wordpress.com/membership/ (Please also submit form below and indicate PayPal)

Questions?  Contact Andie Cohen at cohena@niaid.nih.gov or 301-580-8718